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Last night, I ate at Mozza Pizzeria for my sister's birthday dinner. I was particularly enamored by the fat on my prosciutto, the burrata (of course), the fennel sausage/onion pizza, and Keanu Reeves, who was sitting out in the main dining room with his friends. We sat in the special private room where they store all the quartino wine. At the back end of the cozy space, there's a spiral staircase, which we found out leads to Mario Batali's second-floor apartment. His place isn't finished yet, but at some point in life, it would be interesting to climb up those stairs and have a meal in Mario's private kitchen. Then again, does a guy who runs two restaurants underneath his bedroom (not to mention a bunch in New York) even need a kitchen for his house?
Suggested menu: caprese salad, grilled octopus, parma di prosciutto, gnocci, Pork loin (with the thick rind of fat), olive oil and passion fruit gelato. And several quartinos of wine.
Hi Claudine! It was good meeting you that night at Mozza. What a small world, eh?
It's been me. Just me.
Where you at?
i visit every 6 months or so, so that i may read in mass quantities. i think we've had dinner - moustache cafe on 10th when d.c. was in town - i used to hang out w/ his little bro more often than now.
good stuff you got here.
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