Should we be glad that Jeff Vandergrift and Dan Lay were fired? Not if you're a believer in the first amendment, but maybe if you have half a brain. Like I said, what were they thinking when they re-ran the show after the Imus precedent had been set?
Sorry, you got what I had. Interesting it's spread its way to Boston. Take it easy with this one, seriously, it doesn't just go away lightly.
Not really, the 1st Amendment grants protection from the Government. The 1st Amendment does not offer any protection from private actions, like getting your ass fired by a company that doesn't want to hire racists.
They were still censored.. In this country I thought we could choose for ourselves.. I don't get the ultra sensitivity, it seems that only white people are guilty, first the Imus thing and now these guys...
Why not just change the station, there is a market for this type of radio and I happen to have loved the Jv and Elvis show. I could choose for myself whether or not to listen to them. If they were fired for bad ratings that's one thing but by force and threats I can never support that not in this country.
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