On rainy days, I hitch a ride to work from The Juliet Kilo. Sometimes I come offering a coffee from the local Dunkin Donuts; occasionally, the car leaks from the ceiling, both sides; and often, the “check engine” light is on. He knows the best routes to go, so I just sit back and ask him silly questions like:
How did you get that name? (The FAA alphabet, you know, Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta...),
What is a good dessert to make for a six-person dinner? (A custard-filled fruit tart in a pie shell)
Or what is Kaiju Big Battle? (People wrestling in giant foam costumes).
The other day, he mentioned he'd be performing so I went to check out his show. Sometimes you go to these things and then feel, like, Oh shit, this sucks and have trouble making eye-contact with your pal the wannabe-musician ever after (Or worse, say, "I really liked...your tattoo." True story, for chrissakes.) Fortunately, it was a great show. It's a bit Icelandic static electricity with a glacial melt into Elliott Smith, may he rest in peace. Anyway, The Juliet Kilo does this multi-media thing where along with his solo guitar, singing and pre-recorded digital back up, he projects short video clips of interesting things, like a traffic tunnel as you're speeding through it or monkey-masked children wreaking havoc on bikes. I told him the audience doesn't need the extra stimuli, and that it actually distracts from the fun of watching a real person a few feet away from you sing and sweat and strum. But that's just me. I don't get out much anymore. Listen to his music here while staring at this photo and imagine it's live.
How did you get that name? (The FAA alphabet, you know, Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta...),
What is a good dessert to make for a six-person dinner? (A custard-filled fruit tart in a pie shell)
Or what is Kaiju Big Battle? (People wrestling in giant foam costumes).
The other day, he mentioned he'd be performing so I went to check out his show. Sometimes you go to these things and then feel, like, Oh shit, this sucks and have trouble making eye-contact with your pal the wannabe-musician ever after (Or worse, say, "I really liked...your tattoo." True story, for chrissakes.) Fortunately, it was a great show. It's a bit Icelandic static electricity with a glacial melt into Elliott Smith, may he rest in peace. Anyway, The Juliet Kilo does this multi-media thing where along with his solo guitar, singing and pre-recorded digital back up, he projects short video clips of interesting things, like a traffic tunnel as you're speeding through it or monkey-masked children wreaking havoc on bikes. I told him the audience doesn't need the extra stimuli, and that it actually distracts from the fun of watching a real person a few feet away from you sing and sweat and strum. But that's just me. I don't get out much anymore. Listen to his music here while staring at this photo and imagine it's live.

oh he sings too much. tell him not to sing so much. oh.
Greetings, Claudine! Thought you might appreciate "The Rosie O'Donnell Ching Chong Song".
Bobby and the Yellow Perils
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